Converting Percents to Fractions and Decimals

Video Lessons > Converting Percents to Fractions and Decimals

Introduction and Video

In this lesson, we will learn about converting percents to fractions and decimals. We'll look at examples involving percentages that are less than, equal to, and greater than 100%. Understanding this skill will help you to solve many types of problems involving percentages.

Lesson Notes for Converting Percents to Fractions and Decimals

Let's look at the details of the lesson including: converting a percent to a fraction, converting a percent to a decimal, and how to handle percentages that are 100% or more.

Converting a Percent to a Fraction

To convert a percent to a fraction, follow these steps:

  • First, remove the percent sign from the given number. This step is important as it allows us to work with the numerical value of the percent.
  • Next, place the number as the numerator of the fraction and write 100 as the denominator. This step is necessary to create a fraction that represents the given percent accurately.
  • For example, let's convert 27% to a fraction. By removing the percent sign, we are left with the number 27. Placing 27 as the numerator and 100 as the denominator, we obtain the fraction 27/100.
Converting percents to fractions and decimals. Example of converting 27% to a fraction.

Converting a Percent to a Decimal

To convert a percent to a decimal, follow these steps:

  • Start by removing the percent sign from the given number. This step is crucial as it allows us to work with the numerical value of the percent.
  • Next, divide the number by 100. This step is necessary to express the given percent as a decimal.
  • For instance, let's convert 35% to a decimal. By removing the percent sign, we are left with the number 35. Dividing 35 by 100, we obtain the decimal 0.35.
Converting percents to fractions and decimals. Example of converting 35% to a decimal using long division.

Handling 100% and Percentages Greater Than 100%

When dealing with 100% or percentages greater than 100%, it is important to consider the following:

  • 100% as a fraction is 100/100, which simplifies to 1. As a decimal, it equals 1.0 (with one or more zeros after the decimal point). This means that when a percent is equal to 100%, it can be represented as a whole number (1) or a decimal value (1.0).
  • Percentages greater than 100% can be represented as improper fractions or mixed fractions. For example, a percentage of 329% can be expressed as the improper fraction 329/100 or the mixed fraction 3 29/100. In decimal form, 329% is equal to 3.29.
Converting percents to fractions and decimals. Example of converting 100% and 329% to fractions and decimals.

Summary and Practice

In this video lesson, we learned the steps for converting percents to fractions and decimals. We also learned how to handle percentages that are 100% or more. Remember that 100% is equal to 1, and percentages greater than 100% will yield values greater than 1 when converted to fractions or decimals. Understanding these conversions is important for solving and interpreting problems involving percentages.

Try this practice activity to see what you learned. Determine whether each percent is less than 1, equal to 1, or more than 1. Then drag it to the correct column.

Video Transcript

In this video lesson we're going to learn how to convert percents to fractions and decimals. And this skill is really important because when we're learning how to solve different problems that involve percent, we have to be able to convert it to a fraction or decimal before we calculate the problem.

So first we'll convert a percent to a fraction. And to do that we need to remove the percent sign. Then we're going to place that number as the numerator of the fraction and write 100 as the denominator. So if we want to write 27% as a fraction, first we'll remove the percent sign. We have just the number 27. That will be the numerator of the fraction. So it goes at the top and then we write 100 as the denominator and there's our fraction, 27 over 100. And if you think about it, it does make sense because percent means per 100. So 27% is the same as 27 per 100, or over 100.

Now let's see what happens when we convert a percent to a decimal. First we'll remove the percent sign and then we'll take that number and divide by 100. So if we start with 35% and we want to change it to a decimal, first we're going to remove the percent sign and then we'll divide by 100. But we'll need a little bit of workspace to do that. So let's set it up here.

So after we remove the percent sign we have just the number 35 and we'll divide it by 100. And we could write the division problem this way. But remember that a fraction can also represent division. So we could write it as 35 over 100, also to still show division but just as a fraction. So it doesn't matter which way you write it to start.

But to convert it to a decimal we will either have to do the division with a calculator or we can do long division and that's what we'll do here. So we have 35 divided by 100. One hundred can't go into 35. So we'll need to add some more digits after the 35.

And remember, whenever you have a whole number you can add a decimal point and a zero after it to make it into a decimal and it doesn't change the value of that number. So that still represents the number 35 but it gives us the extra digit that we need. And we'll also need to place a decimal point right above it where our quotient will be so that when we write the digits of our answer, we'll already have our decimal point lined up for us.

And once you do that you can go ahead and solve the problem and ignore the decimal point. So we'll treat this as 350 divided by 100. So 100 goes into 350 three times. 100 times three gives you 300, subtract that and we're left with 50. And we don't want to have a remainder here.

So we need to keep going, which means that we need another zero at the end of our 35 there. Bring down the zero. Now 100 goes into 500 five times. 100 times 5 is 500. Subtract that, and now we're left with no remainder. And that's what we want. So if we take a look up top our quotient, we have point 35. And we can put a zero in front to make it more complete. So now we can see that 35% as a decimal is zero point 35.

Now let's see what happens when we have percentages that are 100% or even higher than that. The two examples that we just saw involved percentages that were less than 100. But let's see what happens when we have exactly 100%. What will that look like as a fraction or decimal?

So 100% as a fraction would be 100 over 100. And if we simplify that, 100 divided by 100 is just equal to the whole number one. So it won't even give us a decimal. It gives us a whole number this time.

And what happens if we have something that's more than 100%? Like here, we have 329%. If we write that as a fraction, we can write it as 329 over 100. Or since this is an improper fraction, meaning that the numerator is larger than the denominator, we could write it as a mixed fraction, like this - three and 29 hundreds. And if we want to represent this as a decimal, it's going to be 3.29.

So if we have more than 100%, when we write it as a fraction or as a decimal, it's going to be more than one. So 100% will be equal to one. And if it's more than 100%, we'll get something that is more than one. So just keep that in mind as you are converting your percents to fractions and decimals. 

Related Standard: Common Core 6.RP.A.3

Hi, I'm Mia!

With over 12 years of experience as a classroom teacher, tutor, and homeschool parent, my specialty is easing math anxiety for students of all ages. I'm committed to empowering parents to confidently support their children in math!

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